Virginia Beach Rat Removal and Rodent Control

The best rat removal company in Virginia Beach, VA is Attic Rat, Inc. This is because Attic Rat is not a traditional pest control company or exterminator. They are an animal removal company that specializes in rodent control. Rats and mice are not like insects, but most Virginia Beach pest control companies treat rodents like insects - they use poison. Poison is a stupid and even harmful way to treat a rodent infestation. Poison will never kill all the rats, and the process is never-ending, with never ending invoices. Attic Rat does rat removal the correct way, with PERMANENT results in as little as a week. Once you hire them, you'll never have to see them again. See their year 2021 prices below. This is the process:

  1. Inspection of the entire house, in the attic and top to bottom, including roof
  2. Identification of all rat entry holes, and sealing them shut with steel repairs
  3. Trapping and removal of 100% of the rats inside the home or building
  4. Cleanup of rat feces and odor, and repair of rat damage such as chewed wires


Location: Virginia Beach, VA

Phone: 757-550-4886



Virginia Beach County VA has a documented rodent problem, which is not uncommon in many parts of Virginia. If you need to get rid of rats in the attic or a building in Virginia Beach, you want a wildlife control specialist to do the rodent removal work correctly. Call Attic Rat at 757-550-4886, and describe your rat or mouse issue, and they will be able to give you a quote and schedule a same-day or next day inspection to solve the problem.

  • Fully Virginia licensed and insured
  • Professional Service
  • Competitively Priced
  • Same-day or next-day service
  • We answer our phone 24/7/365
Check our year 2020 prices in Virginia Beach

Our Prices:

Small Job: $249 + This is a simple job on a small house in good condition and not too many rats, with only 2-3 service visits necessary and minimal cleanup

Medium Job: $499+ This job is a larger house, with more repairs, more rats, more service visits, more cleanup necessary

Large Job: $1000+ Some jobs are extensive, and require significant repairs to the building, many service visits, extensive cleanup work, etc.

Attic Rat Cost

Virginia Beach County, Virginia Beach Rat Control Situation:

I have finally cornered the single rat that has been living in our laundry room. He is under our dryer. can you come and get him. I am concerned that he will get away from me and hide somewhere else in the house.

Hi David, I read the helpful information on your website. Do you have a company that you would recommend? We live in Brentwood but we are on a tight budget! Maybe you know of someone reasonable who can clean up a dead rat & urine in the kitchen walls or under the cabinetry?

Hi my partner is a crop farmer and finds when he puts his combine away for the winter because it is impossible to clean all the grain from it the rats have a hay day. Eating everything wires and pipes included is there anything you can suggest to help.

There is a long and interesting story of my experience with rats a year ago and they seem to keep following me everywhere i have stayed at hotels, my friends homes, office i worked at and now my daughters apt. I feel as if though I'm cursed because not only do rats keep showing up in my life but i also happen to have Immune disorder and suffer from environmental illness which means my sense of smell is extremely sensitive and many times an odor will make me get sick to my stomach for example .rodent odor and especially rats. I saw your website and was hoping to get some feedback on how to convince my daughter this problem is real and it needs to be taken care of quickly. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

I have mice in the ceiling in an area with no access unless I start cutting out the ceiling and even then it would only be 1 small area at a time. I've put traps in the nearest space I can get to and I've caught quite a few. Question is do those sonic guard units really work. The guy from Virginia Beach , sells the Home Sentinel. Any feedback , will it drive them out of the house, it's a fairly big house so I would have to use a few of them. Thanks.

Virginia Beach Rat Control Tip of The Week

Where Outside Should I Relocate A Trapped Rat After I Have Sealed The House?
For many homeowners, getting to know that the rats in their homes are finally trapped will come as a big relief. But what to do afterward is usually another challenging phase they will have to face to make sure their rat removal process is finished.
Have you also caught a rat in your home and you are bothered about where you should relocate the rat after you have sealed all their possible entry holes into your home? When it comes to relocating rats, you have to think through the best way to get it done. But first, you have to figure out the best place to relocate it.
A fact about rats is that they are accustomed to their environment and only have a slim chance of surviving in any new environment they are being introduced. Whichever place you choose to relocate the rat you caught, you need to make sure the place is far away from your home to prevent the rat from finding its way back to your property.
Your choice of where to relocate the rat should also depend on the availability of possible shelter and food sources. If the environment you choose to relocate the rat has these factors in place, its chances of survival will increase. While making your choice of where to relocate the rat, you need to also understand the fact that relocating it within a populated area automatically puts other homes close to where it was released at risk. This simply means that you have to choose a remote area that still has the potentials of providing some food and shelter for the rat.
After finding a place to relocate the rat, you need to go back home and disinfect your home properly. The best way to do this is to hire a professional wildlife agent to help you with this process.